Blender Program A includes:
1. VitaMix Drink Machine Advance Blender with a container
1 case (5 bags) of Tazza Di Risa Frappe Mix
1 Case of SmartFruit Smoothie Mix (including 2 pumps)
Cost $595.00 plus shipping.
Your Return:
This order will make 172 – 16oz drinks. Sold at an average price of $4.00,
You will generate $688 in revenue just off your initial order!

Blender Program B includes:
1. Quiet One Blender with the container
2 cases (10 bags) of Tazza Di Risa Frappe Mix
1 Case of SmartFruit Smoothie Mix (including 2 pumps)
COST $1,250.00 plus shipping.
Your Return:
This order will make 272 – 16oz drinks. Sold at an average price of $4.00,
You will generate $1,088 in revenue just off your initial order!
You can also add another container for only $110 more when ordering the special package.